God Goes Before Us

by Lois Flowers

On Thanksgiving Day, I sat on the loveseat in my sun-soaked living room and read the final pages of Ann Voskamp’s book, The Broken Way.

As I wrote here, God used Ann’s words to change my heart about my relationship with my mom, wiping away 46 years of expectations and releasing me to focus on how I could love her better.

Right then and there, I decided that I was going to be more intentional about spending time with my parents. A few weeks later, I asked my mom if she would be willing to teach me how to make biscotti, a specialty of hers when I was growing up.

By that time, my dad was doing all the cooking for the two of them. But although Alzheimer’s had already stolen away many of my mom’s short-term memories, she hadn’t forgotten how to make our favorite Italian cookie. And she taught me how to do it—step by careful step.

We made biscotti on three separate occasions. The third time, I finally got it right.

I’d visit my parents during the week while Lilly and Molly were at school. On their days off, I’d bring them with me, and we’d involve my mom in making treats like chocolate-chip cookies and chocolate peanut-butter balls for my dad.

My sister and I brought Easter dinner to my parents’ house that spring, and also a birthday dinner in May to help celebrate both of their birthdays.

I shared last week that I have deep regrets about not doing more and loving my mom better before. But after the accident last June that eventually led her into long-term care, it was comforting to remember the times that we had spent with her at home in the days and weeks before that sad chain of events transpired.

We just never know when we’re going to do something for the last time. The fact that God gave me the wake-up call when He did is tangible evidence of the truth in my favorite Bible verse, Deuteronomy 31:8: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

God goes before us. He does. We may not know why things happen the way they do, or what God is up to in allowing all the hard things, but we can rest in this truth.

God is always, always, going ahead of us, preparing the way for what is going to happen next. It’s who He is; it’s how He operates.

Sometimes, in His mercy and grace, He gives us glimpses of His activity—sometimes while it’s happening, sometimes after the fact. And sometimes, what you think is an inconvenience or annoyance turns into a gift of grace in retrospect.

In late May, for example, our clothes dryer stopped working. While we were waiting for a part that Randy ordered to come in, I dried our laundry at my parents’ house. I’d take a load of washed clothes over during the day, and then come back in the evening after they were dry to collect them.

A broken appliance is always a hassle, and all the driving back and forth was kind of a pain. But it gave Lilly and me the opportunity to spend a couple of extra evenings at their house the week before my mom’s accident, sitting on the floor in the living room, folding clothes and visiting with my parents.

Then, the day before the accident, the girls and I went over there again so Lilly do some yard work for my dad. I was changing the sheets in my parents’ bedroom when I heard the sounds of talking coming from the living room. I peeked in and saw Molly sitting on the couch with my mom.

My little girl was reading aloud to her grandma from one of the library books she had brought with her that day.

I snuck in to snap a quick picture, then retreated to another part of the house. I’d like to say I sensed something sacred was going on, but that would be a stretch. I simply wanted to capture the sweet sight of the two of them together.

They sat there for almost an hour, with Molly reading and my mom listening. Molly had never done that before, and the fact that she happened to do it on the last day she saw my mom at home before the accident?

Let’s just say that in the coming weeks, when my heart was heavy and my mom’s future uncertain, this memory brought more comfort and peace than almost anything else.


God is always, always, going ahead of us, preparing the way for what is going to happen next. Click To Tweet Sometimes, what you think is an inconvenience or annoyance turns into a gift of grace in retrospect. Click To Tweet

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Purposeful Faith, #TellHisStory, Coffee for Your Heart, Chasing Community, Faith on Fire, Fresh Market Friday, Faith ‘n Friends and Grace & Truth.

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Vicki Johnson April 24, 2018 - 9:52 am

Praising God with you as you discover new ways to love your mother with Alzheimer’s. I also deal with a mom who is affected by this disease. Knowing that our loving Lord is with us now and has gone before us to the inevitable changes of this affliction gives me comfort.

Lois Flowers April 25, 2018 - 8:49 am

That is so comforting to me too, Vicki. So is hearing from others who are on the same journey. It’s often hard to find words to describe how I feel about certain parts of it, and knowing that others have experienced the same thing helps a lot. So glad you stopped by this week!

Julie Reimers April 23, 2018 - 3:05 am

Dear Lois,
This is very heartwarming as you talk about Mom, who happens to be my mother-in-law. You were able to capture truly precious moments with her. I wish I was also able to do that with my own mother before the Lord called her. But all the precious memories are imbedded in my heart. It brings happiness and tears at the same time. But God with His omnipotent power lifted me up from sadness to assurance that my mama and my papa are rejoicing with Him.
It is sad on our part when we received the news about Mom’s accident because we live in the Philippines…but God is great as He answered our prayer for Mom’s full recovery from the accident. Even greater as He blessed me with full recovery as well…and be able to see Mom again last Christmas.
I love your bible verse in Deuteronomy 31:8. Very true.
God never fails! Be at peace.

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 9:01 am

“Happiness and tears at the same time” … yes, I know what that feels like, Julie! Yes, this past year has certainly given our family many opportunities to see God’s healing power in action, hasn’t it? Praying for you and sending you (very) long-distance hugs today!

Sandra J April 21, 2018 - 2:36 pm

Lois, What a beautiful story and beautiful truth ‘God goes before us’ – thank you for sharing it (and the priceless pictures). I needed the reminder that “sometimes, what you think is an inconvenience or annoyance turns into a gift of grace in retrospect”. Grace, grace, and more grace!

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:59 am

I need that reminder all the time, Sandra. 🙂 So nice to hear from you this past week!

June April 21, 2018 - 12:22 pm

It’s wonderful to look back and see His hand at work, isn’t it, Lois? I pray these memories are a comfort and blessing to you in the days ahead.

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:58 am

Absolutely, June! So good to hear from you last week!

Rebecca Jones April 20, 2018 - 2:41 pm

Such a blessing, making a good memory.

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:57 am

Exactly that, Rebecca. 🙂

Lyli April 20, 2018 - 1:28 pm

I am in tears.

Love you xo

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:57 am

Aw … thanks for telling me, Lyli! Love and hugs back, my friend!

bethany mcilrath April 20, 2018 - 8:50 am

This is such a beautiful demonstration of God going before us. So thankful you had this experience in the midst of the hardship, Lois! Thanks for sharing : )

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:56 am

You’re welcome, my friend! 🙂

Brenda April 19, 2018 - 2:54 pm

(((Hug))) So glad He gave you the insight and the hindsight to see His grace moving. What a comfort to know He’s always a step ahead of us, preparing and protecting. I know this has been a hard season for you, friend. Continued prayers for you and your family. xoxo

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:49 am

Aw … thank you so much for your encouragement, Brenda! I hope your week is off to a good start, my friend! 🙂

Sarah Donegan April 18, 2018 - 2:11 pm

What an amazing gift time is! Beautiful story.

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:46 am

Thanks, Sarah! 🙂

Debby April 18, 2018 - 6:48 am

Lois, thank you for this moving account of how God worked in your family to prepare the way for the unknown. I think the photo of your daughter reading to your mom is sacred. It’s hearts and souls connecting and the work of grace. I understand the grief and challenge of Alzheimer’s. Again, God has prepared the way for you. May you sense his presence.

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:45 am

I feel the same way about that photo, Debby. I don’t even know why I took the picture … I don’t always do that, but I’m so glad I did! It’s good to hear from someone who has been down the Alzheimer’s road … just knowing someone understands is comforting. Thank you for your kind words! 🙂

Sarah Geringer April 18, 2018 - 5:26 am

Beautiful photos and thoughts, Lois. Just want to say your previous post helped me show grace to my own mom last weekend. Your words were in my mind when I was tempted to cling to hurt. Thank you for this inspiring series.

Lois Flowers April 24, 2018 - 8:42 am

Thank you so much, Sarah. Whenever I share from a more tender spot than usual, I always pray that it encourages people … I’ so glad this post was helpful to you. 🙂

Laura Rath April 17, 2018 - 9:44 pm

What a beautiful story Lois! I’ve been learning to look for God’s blessings in the midst of difficult situations. They are there…we just have to intentionally shift our focus. Thank you for sharing this!

Lois Flowers April 23, 2018 - 5:32 pm

I like how you put that, Laura … we have to “intentionally shift our focus” to see the blessings. And perhaps you’ve found, as I have, that the more you look, the more you see? 🙂

Lesley April 17, 2018 - 2:02 pm

This beautiful, Lois! I’m glad that you have so many beautiful memories of the time that you and your girls spent with your Mom in the days before her accident, and I love the reminder about God going before us. It’s the second time today that Deuteronomy 31:8 has come up for me so I think it’s definitely one for me to pay attention to!

Lois Flowers April 23, 2018 - 5:30 pm

You know, Lesley, I was seeing that verse all over the place when I posted this too. Good thing too, because I’ve been needing to remember the truth of it a lot lately! Thank you for your kind encouragement!

Jeanne Takenaka April 17, 2018 - 1:13 pm

Lois, this is beautiful. Just beautiful. Our Father does have a way of going before us, preparing us for things to come. Your choosing to be intentional with your mom has challenged me to be intentional in spending as much time as I can with my mom. And, to send a card to my mother-in-law.

Thank you for sharing so transparently. Your words are powerful, my friend.

Lois Flowers April 23, 2018 - 5:28 pm

Aw, Jeanne … I’m glad you’ve been encouraged by reading about this journey with my mom. I know time can be hard to find sometimes, but I have a feeling you won’t regret it! Thank you so much for your lovely words, my friend!

Trudy April 17, 2018 - 11:36 am

This brings tears to my eyes, Lois. I love these precious photos, memories, and lessons God gave you. I am especially touched by the photo of Molly reading to her grandma. Thank you for sharing a vulnerable story and for the encouragement, too, that God always goes before us preparing the way. Love and hugs to you!

Lois Flowers April 23, 2018 - 8:43 am

That is one of my favorite pictures too, Trudy. It was just taken on an old iPhone, but it is precious to me! I’m glad you enjoyed this story, my friend. Love and hugs back!

Claudine Flowers April 17, 2018 - 8:15 am

That was sweet, Lois. It brought tears to my eyes.

Lois Flowers April 17, 2018 - 9:27 am

Aw … thanks, Claudine. It brings tears to my eyes too. 🙂
