What To Do When You Long for Encouragement

by Lois Flowers

Inside: It may seem counter-intuitive, but here’s a good way to proceed when your efforts are overlooked or you feel unseen. ~

When my girls were younger, the Golden Rule often came up in my conversations with them.

Whether the situation involved kids at school, each other or some stranger on TV, “How would you feel if someone did that to you (or said that about you)?” was a question worth considering, especially during stages of their lives that were especially me-focused.

It’s biblical, this concept of treating others how we would like to be treated. It’s right there in Matthew 7:12, in bright red letters: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”

Poor Me

Even so, when it comes to my own reactions to perceived slights, I’m inclined to bypass the Golden Rule and proceed straight to feeling sorry for myself.

When something I’ve said or done—my presence when I’m not normally there, my absence when I normally am, a fresh haircut, a new blouse, a sad countenance, a question in a text, how much effort I’ve put into something—is overlooked or not mentioned, I’m tempted to get hurt feelings.

On rare occasions, the affront is intentional. Most often, though, it’s not.

People Are Busy

They don’t always notice everything that is important to us. They may notice and forget to mention it. There could be any number of reasons.

In these cases, I need to remember how much I care for these people and give them the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, I need to get over myself and stop being petty. Perhaps a reminder that the world doesn’t revolve around me is in order.

But always, I need to look for opportunities to do for others what I wish someone would do for me, and then do it.

It’s counter-intuitive, I know. But it’s the only way I know of to take the focus off myself and carry on about the business of living in a way that honors God.

Anyone Else?

I won’t ask for a show of hands, but I wonder if you might be able to relate to what I’m saying in some tiny way. If so, can I just pass on a version of what I share with myself from time to time?

If you are an encourager who needs some encouragement, keep encouraging.

If you are a helper who could use a little assistance, keep helping.

If you are a prayer warrior who needs prayer, keep praying.

If you are a cook in need of some nourishment, keep cooking.

If you are a giver who could use a present yourself, keep giving.

If you are a card sender who wishes someone would mail you a note, keep sending those cards.

If you are a listener who wants someone to hear you, keep listening.

God Sees

Just keep doing the things God has designed you to do. Even when they seem small to you, even when it seems like nobody is noticing, even when you desperately wish someone would return the favor.

Don’t ever believe the lie that what you’re doing doesn’t matter, that nobody would miss it if you stopped.

Because you are making a difference.

And God sees it, even if you can’t.


If you are an encourager who needs some encouragement, keep encouraging. Click To Tweet Don’t ever believe the lie that what you’re doing doesn’t matter, that nobody would miss it if you stopped. You are making a difference. And God sees it, even if you can’t. Click To Tweet

P.S. This piece was adapted from a previously published post. Also, this week I’m linking up this week with #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragementsLet’s Have Coffee and Grace & Truth.

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Bethany McIlrath February 11, 2024 - 1:22 pm

And if you are a writer, keep writing! 🙂 Grateful for this wisdom and pep talk, Lois. I’m so glad God sees and invites us to join Him in His work – even if we see such a small part of it that at times it feels silly!

Lois Flowers February 15, 2024 - 11:36 am

I’m glad for that too, Bethany! I love how you added the writing encouragement to the list. 🙂

Barbara Harper February 9, 2024 - 3:32 pm

This is so true, Lois. I’ve had to understand sometimes that the other person often doesn’t realize I could use some encouragement. Once we fixate on not receiving what we think we’re due, we too easily head into a self-absorbed spiral. As you said, forgetting ourselves and serving others is the best way to refocus. If noon else encourages us, “God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do” (Hebrews 6:10).

I am also guilty of thinking positive things about others, but neglecting to say them. This is a good reminder to me to express these things.

Lois Flowers February 10, 2024 - 3:17 pm

Ah, Barbara … you’re so right about that “self-absorbed spiral.” Thanks for the biblical reminder that God won’t overlook our good works. 🙂

Joanne Viola February 8, 2024 - 1:27 pm

It is so true. When we keep on doing the things God has designed us to do, it somehow blesses and encourages us to do more of the same.

Lois Flowers February 10, 2024 - 3:16 pm

Joanne, maybe we can call it a “circle of encouragement!” I have a feeling this is how God may have intended it to work, what about you? 🙂

Trudy February 7, 2024 - 1:53 pm

Yes, I can definitely relate, Lois. God sometimes reminds me, “Just be you, the you I have created you to be.” Thank you for all these encouraging reflections to keep on doing the things God has designed us to do, even when it may feel like we’re not making a difference. Love and blessings to you!

Lois Flowers February 10, 2024 - 3:14 pm

Trudy, I’m grateful for the “you God has created you to be.” 🙂 So thankful God sees so more than we could ever imagine. Hugs, friend.

Linda Stoll February 6, 2024 - 10:50 pm

Oh Lois, this hits home on so many levels. Again you have shared biblical wisdom that resonates and common sense that hits home for me.

I am so grateful you’re in my life. May we continue to find all we need in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Lois Flowers February 10, 2024 - 3:13 pm

Amen, friend. Thank you for heeding the Spirit’s nudge this week … you are a blessing in my life.

Lisa Brittain February 6, 2024 - 9:21 am

Excellent advice.
As I’m reading I’m thinking of love languages. Mine are acts of service and words of affirmation. So, I tend to shower people with acts of service and words of affirmation, and I, from time to time, wish they would come back to me.
The truth is that I need to be learning about other people and their love language. I should be seeking to offer to each person what speaks love to them.
And words of affirmation can be a now on top.
Thank you for encouraging me today. Please keep writing. Lisa

Lois Flowers February 10, 2024 - 3:10 pm

These are such wise words, Lisa: “I should be seeking to offer to each person what speaks love to them.” I need to remember that with my daughters, especially. My love language is words of affirmation too, and you have definitely encouraged my heart this week.

Ashley Rowland | HISsparrowBlog February 6, 2024 - 9:13 am

Wow, Lois. This is really good stuff. What an encouraging reminder to keep on keeping on. “If you are an encourager who needs some encouragement, keep encouraging.”

Lois Flowers February 10, 2024 - 3:08 pm

Thanks, Ashley! In some mysterious way, the kindnesses we extend to others often return to us, don’t they?
